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Updated: Aug 25

On the #Generazione Bellezza TV show in the episode Parco Jalari and the seed of Beauty broadcast on Rai Tre on April 8th 2024 they framed the artwork The explosion of Life made by me and the artist Jessica Finocchiaro visible at minute 13:18 among the various murals painted in Cannistrà village (Barcellona P.G.) for the art event Lustr'i luna curated by the Kharruba association in July 2017.

It's really a pleasure to know that this artwork has resisted so much long at the weather and that he has been accepted as an integral part of the community :) I am very happy and grateful for this.

Link to tv show here

Sul programma #Generazione Bellezza nella puntata Parco Jalari e il seme della Bellezza andato in onda su Rai Tre giorno 8 Aprile 2024 hanno inquadrato tra i vari murales dipinti nel borgo di Cannistrà a Barcellona P.G., il murale L'esplosione della Vita realizzato da me e dall'artista Jessica Finocchiaro nel 2017,visibile al minuto 13:18, in occasione dell'evento Lustr' i luna organizzato dall'associazione Kharruba.

E' davvero un piacere sapere che ha resistito alle intemperie e che è stato accettato come parte integrante del borgo :) ne sono molto felice e grata.

Link alla puntata qui

Original artwork

Acrylic mural for Lustr'i luna art event at Cannistrà (Barcellona P.G.,Messina)
The explosion of Life / L'esplosione della Vita, 2017

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Updated: Apr 14

First artist's book made in 2023 with handmade bounded paper. Inspired by Michele Zarrillo's song "L'elefante e la farfalla" (The elephant and the butterfly).

(You can listen this song here)

For the cover I used carboards that after I painted with acrylics. To attached the sheets I got some glue on the spine. It has been painted through animal figures and with some butterflies stickers.


Binding was made by a nylon strand... it has not been so easy "sewing" the sheets. I've used also the adhesive tape to stick it better.

Handmade paper sheets

Illustration book and binding

In the end, I drew elephants with ink pens trying to copy some of my old works and I painted them with acrylic paint. Finally I got attached some words of the song on every sheet, gluing them on every illustration.

An illustration of the book
An illustration of the book
Illustration painted with acrylics
Illustration painted with acrylics

You can see some of original illustrations here.

Result could not be perfect, I know, but it made me so enthusiast, so I wanna try to make more artist's book.

What do you think about it?

Stay connected!

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Elephant self portrait II 
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