First artist's book made in 2023 with handmade bounded paper. Inspired by Michele Zarrillo's song "L'elefante e la farfalla" (The elephant and the butterfly).
(You can listen this song here)
For the cover I used carboards that after I painted with acrylics. To attached the sheets I got some glue on the spine. It has been painted through animal figures and with some butterflies stickers.

Binding was made by a nylon strand... it has not been so easy "sewing" the sheets. I've used also the adhesive tape to stick it better.

In the end, I drew elephants with ink pens trying to copy some of my old works and I painted them with acrylic paint. Finally I got attached some words of the song on every sheet, gluing them on every illustration.

You can see some of original illustrations here.
Result could not be perfect, I know, but it made me so enthusiast, so I wanna try to make more artist's book.
What do you think about it?
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