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Exhibitions and art events


Participation at the virtual exhibition Welcome to the Outlands, a group exhibition curated by the Outlander Gallery based in New Jersey,Manhattan

Participation at the virtual art collective Strange Faces curated by the Lumen Art Gallery
Video of the exhibition


Participation to the fifth edition of the art event Glitch Art Br 2024, held in Brasil from the 1st to the 23rd December 2024   - Selected artwork

Participation in the virtual collective exhibition Inktober, curated by the Artwork Gallery and Magazine

Participation in the virtual art collective Tango: Monochrome curated by the Lumen Art Gallery, held from 4th to 15th November 2024

Participation to the first edition of Biennale di Sondrio (Sondrio’s Art Biennal), happened in Palazzo Muzio, from  4th to 13th October 2024


Participation in the Colors of the Soul virtual exhibition, curated and organized by the Artistic Hub team, from August 15th to September 15th


Participation in the virtual exhibition Love curated by the Barbagelata Contemporary Art Foundation with a dedicated interview from July 26th to August 8th 2024

Participation in the virtual collective Thorn Edge curated by Aedra Fine Arts Gallery


Participation in the virtual collective Animals held from 21st  to 26th January on



Participation in the collective exhibition Text-ure 2023 with digital artwork Fragmented memories at CICA (Czong Institute for Contemporary Art)Museum in South Korea from 12th to 30th July 2023


Participation in the collective exhibition 58 Artisti uniti per la memoria – La strage di Chiusa Gesso (58 Artists United for memory – The Chiusa Gesso massacre) held  in Spazioquattro Gallery in Messina (Sicily) from June 22nd to June 26th

Participation in the virtual exhibition Anti-Art- The absence of definition from April 17th to June 30th curated by the Culturally Arts Collective


Participation in the Collective exhibition Anthropocene Project - Come salvare il pianeta,70 opere in mostra (How to save the planet, 70th artworks on exhibit) held to the Civic Museum of Palazzo della Penna from April 5th to June 30th curated by the Administration of the Municipality of Perugia, Biblioteca delle Nuvole di Perugia, FumettoMania Factory- APS association (from Messina)


Participation in the virtual collective exhibition EXPLORA 2023 - Progetto artistico del Tempo Presente (Artistic project of Present Time) held from March 18th to April 1st curated by Make Art Gallery

Video of the exhibition




Participation in the Collective photography exhibition Giostra Invisibile (Invisible Giostra) at Centro di Solidarietà FARO (F.A.R.O. Solidarity Center) happened in Messina from December 21st 2022 to January 6th 2023

Participation in the collective exhibition Segnalibro d'Artista (Artist Bookmark) from December 16th to December 23rd 2022 curated by FORO G Gallery in Ganzirri (Messina)

Participation in the Collective exhibition L'Arte sostiene-50 Artisti a sostegno dell'associazione NinniLab (Art supports - 50 Artists in support of the NinniLab association), curated by Spazioquattro Gallery in Messina (Sicily) from December 17th to December 23rd 2022

Participation in the collective exhibition Anthropocene project – Possiamo salvare il nostro pianeta (We can save our planet) curated by the Fumettomania Factory - APS association held on DAMSLab’s location in Bologna, from November 29th to December 7th 2022

Participation in the virtual collective exhibition My generation, in Room I, curated by virtual Gallery Brouhahaart from October 18th to October 31st 2022

Participation in the Collective exhibition Anthropocene Project curated by FumettoMania Factory APS association, held on Andrea Pazienza Comics Center in Cremona from 9th to 26th June 2022 for the Open Doors Festival event

Participation in the Collective exhibition It's Magic: A Beyond Experience - Photo Video and Visual Design curated by LoosenArt Gallery from February 17th to March 16th 2022, held in Millepiani Center in Rome

Participation in the virtual collective exhibition First World Digital Art Fair 2022 in 10th Hall, with the artwork Floral Harmony from January 19th to 31st December 2022



Participation in the Collective exhibition in 1758 Venice Art Studio Gallery from November 27th 2021 to January 9th 2022

Participation in the Collective exhibition Anthropocene Project curated by Fumetto Mania Factory APS association held on Seme d'Arancia Association's location in Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (Messina) from November 6th to November 21st 2022

Participation in the Collective exhibition Ceci n'est pas un blasphème about Censored Arts at PAN (Palazzo delle Arti (Palace of the Arts) in Naples) held from 10th to 30th September 2021 in collaboration with UAAR Giovani and Falsi Magritte associations

Participation in the virtual collective exhibition Transfiguration: Growth and Identity from Global Perspectives curated by the Culturally Arts Collective and Milostka Center for Exhibitions

Participation in the collective exhibition "First International Prize City of Budapest" curated by ART NOW, held from 23 to 30 April 2021 at the Pintèr Gallery, Budapest, Hungary


Participation in the collective exhibition Avola Contemporanea-TERREM888TO  in Palazzo di Città-Sala Frateantonio in Avola (Syracuse, Italy) curated by Avola Creattiva Association held from July 27th to July 30th 2019


Participation in the Collective exhibition from 12th to 14th  May 2015 for the 16th edition of the Careof Ricas Award in Milan


Participation for the A4ART Award organized by Dama Daphne Museum in Capua (Caserta)


Participation in the collective exhibition with the artwork Basket with bottles and laurel leaves for the art event L'isola che C'è from  15th to 18th October 2015 held in Villa Castelnuovo in Palermo



The explosion of Life mural made in collaboration with the artist Jessica Finocchiaro (who made the original drawing) for the Lustru 'i luna event which took place from July 21st to 28th  in Cannistrà (Barcellona P.G., Messina) organized by the Kharrubba association

Decoration of the literary bench Ulysses and Mermaids in Torre Faro (Messina) painted with the artist Jessica Finocchiaro in collaboration with Pro Loco Capo Peloro in June 2017



Participation as assistant student with Academy of Fine Arts of Reggio Calabria for the creation of a floral composition in collaboration with the Korean floral masters at the VI International Congress of Ephemeral Arts for the 37th edition of the Infiorata di Noto (Syracuse,Italy) that took place from 13th to 15th May 2016

Video of the artwork here (min.0:38)

©2025 di Mariaceleste Arena. Creato con

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